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Stevious Rust

The official 2x vanilla modded Rust Servers.
For the hardcore player wanting more PvP and raids.

Server Modifications


All level 1 Workbench blueprints are unlocked (except Silencer), and building items (except Armored Single and Double Door).


Half (50%) Vanilla crafting speeds on everything (except raiding items).


Half (50%) Vanilla smelting speeds, and 1 to 1 ratio on Charcoal.

Gather Rates

2x gather rate (including scrap), 2.5x for Sulfur Ore and Wood.

Loot Tables

Unlocked BP's (most of them) have been removed from Loot table, and we are using the Component System for Barrels.


We have removed all junk items. They are now focused on craftable & uncraftable guns, with a chance of C4 or Rocket.

Day / Night Cycle

Day is 56 minutes, and night is only 4 minutes.

Upkeep & Decay

Adjusted so you have 2x the building blocks for each level, and reduce the cost by 50%.

No Skins

Disable skins by typing /ns in game chat.

Large Server Changes

Safe Zones

Buy Helicopters (scrap / mini) from Large Fishing Villages, Large Barns and Outpost (Bandit Camp merged).

Oil Rig Crates

Oil Rig locked crates reset 10 minutes after being successfully hacked.


Sunglare has been removed for better PvP.